Digital gastronomy – intelligent beer mats

Connectivity that fits

Every IoT use case has its own requirements.
Whether cross-border coverage, reception at challenging locations,
high or low data streams – FUSION IoT develops the SIM tariff that is tailored precisely to this.
For economy and efficiency.


INDUSTRY: Hospitality

In a modern bar or restaurant, intelligent and smart coasters are used to optimize the hospitality process and improve the customer experience. The beer mats are equipped with a built-in weight sensor that records the weight of the beer glass, both with and without beer. The recorded data is transmitted wirelessly to a central control system via FUSION IoT SIM cards.

A guest enjoys his beer while the host can monitor the data in real time on a screen or tablet. As soon as the weight of the beer glass reaches a certain threshold value, which indicates that the beer is almost empty, a notification is displayed to the host. This allows the host to recognize in good time that the guest may want to reorder to ensure an uninterrupted experience.

In addition to monitoring the beer stand, the intelligent beer mat also enables precise counting of drinks by registering every order. This makes billing at the end of the visit much easier and reduces possible errors in manual recording. In addition, the beer mat can have an order button with which the guest can place another order directly without having to wait for service. An invoice button is also possible, with which the guest can request the invoice at the end of their visit, which speeds up the check-out process and improves the customer experience. The result is a smart and digital gastronomy that meets the challenges of our time with solutions.


  • Regular, unnecessary walking routes
  • Empty glasses and dissatisfied guests
  • Unforeseen shortages of beer stock
  • Manual billing processes are prone to errors
  • Missed sales opportunities



  • Targeted personnel deployment
  • High customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
  • Accuracy of billing
  • Better monitoring of beer stock and reordering
  • Digital gastronomy with a future
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